All Posts


For the Love of Books
Why I’m Nervous About the Future of Technology
The Most Expensive Bottle of Dr. Pepper I Will Ever Buy
Dinosaur Bones
2023 Music Picks


“Don’t Just Sit There, Prophesy!” (Quotes)
Christmas Card 2023
Why He Looked Back
Babylon, We Bid Thee Farewell
RE: The Law
枕草子: Delightful Things
I Want to Talk About France!
Grandpa Tended the Roses
September 21
“So I Get to Be the First Pancake?!” (Winter 2023 Quotes)
RIP Steven Silverfish, 2017–2023
Some Big Words From Some Thick Books
Dear Jason Kehe: Don’t Be a Bigot
The Tale of John Corrill, Part 3: “A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing”
The Tale of John Corrill, Part 2: Who Was John Corrill?
The Tale of John Corrill, Part 1: I Finally Talk About Religion
RE: Not Knowing
RE: Parasocial Relationships
The Best Paper I Ever Wrote


2022 Roundup: Quotes, Music, and More
Christmas Card 2022
OUT NOW: “When I Laid the Foundations”
How to Rule Medieval Denmark
99 Differences Between Denmark and the USA: Part 2
99 Differences Between Denmark and the USA: Part 1
Mia Was Right About Snape
Feeling 21 (Summer Update!)
A Fluorescent Bathroom Scooter
Free Financial Advice from Eric and His Parents
Week Joseph
When One Love Dies


Beyond My Wildest Dreams
Professor Quotes: 2021 Edition
Christmas Card 2021
Saying Yes
Not What You Do, But Who You Are
Autumn Spring
I Have Corona
Redefining the Sacred: Utah’s “Rock Church”
The Airborne Toxic Event
Life Update: Academia, Quotes, Yesterday
No New Tale to Tell
Dorothy in Potato Land
Desert Mountain Letters
Culture Shock