Personal Update


I have a hard time with labels when it comes to mental health challenges. The CDC says that over 50% of Americans will be diagnosed with a mental illness or disorder in their life*, and that’s not even counting those who don’t get a diagnosis. Some people have it harder than others–I’m no stranger to that–but I think the many faces of what we in the 21st century call mental illness are a part of the human condition that every one of us has to deal with in some way or another. The world’s literature can attest to that.

For me, like anyone, some days are harder than others. The other day, I went for a walk and found myself looking up at the mountains and thinking about all the holes in my life. As I passed by a suburban house, I saw a family in the front yard. One of the kids tossed a soccer ball at her older sister, who was on crutches. She swung one of the crutches at the ball and knocked it flying.

I’m not sure why that moment touched me like it did. Perhaps it’s the simple story of life. Everyone bears wounds: some shallow, some deep. But we find a way to keep living, and do it beautifully.


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